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GAS Familia, s.r.o. was established in 1994. Its headquarters are located under the peaks of majestic mountains in the heart of Europe, the High Tatras. It is in this area that the town of 13. century, Stará Ľubovňa, which has been known for centuries for its tradition of producing various quality and time-tested alcoholic beverages. The company GAS Familia, s.r.o., has continued this rich tradition and has been producing beverages that please all the senses and satisfy even the most demanding consumer for decades. During its operation, it has become a modern and dynamically developing company engaged in the production of quality alcoholic beverages.

Its activities continue the rich local tradition of distilling, which uses the extraordinary wealth of the sub-Tatra nature, especially the crystal clear water from the mountain springs, as well as grain, medicinal herbs and fruits from the meadows, gardens and forests of the sub-Tatra region. The preserved traditional recipes have become the basis for the unique variations of the products forming the portfolio of GAS Familia, s.r.o. Today’s modern plant of GAS Familia, s.r.o., produces a complete range of several dozen types of alcoholic beverages and includes almost all known and demanded types of alcohol. Among the most successful and popular are the GORAL and SPIŠ ORIGINAL collections. The quality of these brands is appreciated every year and crowned with awards and gold medals from all over the world.


GAS Familia, s.r.o. was established in 1994. Its headquarters are located under the peaks of majestic mountains in the heart of Europe, the High Tatras. It is in this area that the town of 13. century, Stará Ľubovňa, which has been known for centuries for its tradition of producing various quality and time-tested alcoholic beverages. The company GAS Familia, s.r.o., has continued this rich tradition and has been producing beverages that please all the senses and satisfy even the most demanding consumer for decades. During its operation, it has become a modern and dynamically developing company engaged in the production of quality alcoholic beverages.

Its activities continue the rich local tradition of distilling, which uses the extraordinary wealth of the sub-Tatra nature, especially the crystal clear water from the mountain springs, as well as grain, medicinal herbs and fruits from the meadows, gardens and forests of the sub-Tatra region. The preserved traditional recipes have become the basis for the unique variations of the products forming the portfolio of GAS Familia, s.r.o. Today’s modern plant of GAS Familia, s.r.o., produces a complete range of several dozen types of alcoholic beverages and includes almost all known and demanded types of alcohol. Among the most successful and popular are the GORAL and SPIŠ ORIGINAL collections. The quality of these brands is appreciated every year and crowned with awards and gold medals from all over the world.


GAS Familia, s.r.o., with its registered office in Stara Ľubovňa, was established by registration in the Commercial Register on 16. 6. 1994. It was founded by the father Ladislav Gureg and his son Marian as a business entity.The root cause that gave the basis for this now historical event was the idea of the founders of the company to build on the rich tradition of distilling in the Spiš region and the tradition of private industry of distilleries and liqueurs in the town of Stará Ľubovňa and its surroundings. Private enterprises were closed after nationalisation in 1948, but the rumour of local quality spirits, rums, cognacs and liqueurs continues to this day.


GAS Familia, s.r.o., with its registered office in Stara Ľubovňa, was established by registration in the Commercial Register on 16. 6. 1994. It was founded by the father Ladislav Gureg and his son Marian as a business entity.The root cause that gave the basis for this now historical event was the idea of the founders of the company to build on the rich tradition of distilling in the Spiš region and the tradition of private industry of distilleries and liqueurs in the town of Stará Ľubovňa and its surroundings. Private enterprises were closed after nationalisation in 1948, but the rumour of local quality spirits, rums, cognacs and liqueurs continues to this day.

The dream of reviving and developing this industry in Stara Ľubovňa became a reality in 1997. The modern production hall of GAS Familia, s.r.o. was completed in 2008. Mainly typical Slovak beverages such as vodka, rum, borovička and slivovica were produced. Later, branded sweetened and unsweetened spirits and natural spirits were added. From the beginning, the main products were mainly branded vodkas produced by a special technology based on the principle of multiple distillation, followed by carbofiltration and epuration, as well as a range of branded alcoholic beverages based on natural spirits under the name Spiš Original and genuine spirits of the Goral series characterized by a unique design with traditional folk motifs. The true jewel in the bottle has been Goral Vodka since time immemorial, where a team of experts and specialists from GAS Familia, s.r.o., after several years of focused efforts, managed to fine-tune the old-fashioned production process to the top level.

The dream of reviving and developing this industry in Stara Ľubovňa became a reality in 1997. The modern production hall of GAS Familia, s.r.o. was completed in 2008. Mainly typical Slovak beverages such as vodka, rum, borovička and slivovica were produced. Later, branded sweetened and unsweetened spirits and natural spirits were added. From the beginning, the main products were mainly branded vodkas produced by a special technology based on the principle of multiple distillation, followed by carbofiltration and epuration, as well as a range of branded alcoholic beverages based on natural spirits under the name Spiš Original and genuine spirits of the Goral series characterized by a unique design with traditional folk motifs. The true jewel in the bottle has been Goral Vodka since time immemorial, where a team of experts and specialists from GAS Familia, s.r.o., after several years of focused efforts, managed to fine-tune the old-fashioned production process to the top level.

The improvement of the recipes of these alcoholic beverages was also helped by the fact that since 2000 the house in the centre of Stará Ľubovňa, where one of the most important distilleries in Spiš was located from 1929 until its nationalisation, became part of the property of the company GAS Familia, s.r.o. During its reconstruction, the Gureg family found traditional production documents, thanks to which it was a trifle to complete the quality alcoholic beverages that the company GAS Familia, s.r.o., still produces today. As part of the continuous efforts to expand the production programme, a newly built vinegar plant equipped with the most modern technology for the submerged production of fermentation vinegar was put into operation in 2003. The production of fermentation vinegar also includes the production of special branded vinegars with natural extracts based on fruit and medicinal plants.

The improvement of the recipes of these alcoholic beverages was also helped by the fact that since 2000 the house in the centre of Stará Ľubovňa, where one of the most important distilleries in Spiš was located from 1929 until its nationalisation, became part of the property of the company GAS Familia, s.r.o. During its reconstruction, the Gureg family found traditional production documents, thanks to which it was a trifle to complete the quality alcoholic beverages that the company GAS Familia, s.r.o., still produces today. As part of the continuous efforts to expand the production programme, a newly built vinegar plant equipped with the most modern technology for the submerged production of fermentation vinegar was put into operation in 2003. The production of fermentation vinegar also includes the production of special branded vinegars with natural extracts based on fruit and medicinal plants.


It is one of the most beautiful regions in Slovakia. Geographically, it extends from the Polish border, through the peaks of the European mountains, the High Tatras, to the Rožňava basin in the south of Slovakia. It is located in one of the cleanest climatic regions and is characterised by its unique nature, numerous cultural monuments and preservation of folk traditions. Fresh air, beautiful nature, vast mountains, meadows, forests and crystal clear spring water from the heart of the Tatras are an essential part of this region. Another part of the Spiš region is the long tradition of alcohol production. Its beginnings date back to 13. century.

The people living here were constantly connected with the Spiš nature and the Tatra mountains. In addition to the many ethnic groups that moved here, from Germans, Hungarians, Poles, Ukrainians, Jews and others, there were also people called the Gorals who lived in the area. They excelled in physical strength, stamina and endurance. Because of the harsh natural and climatic conditions in this region, they made their lives more pleasant with good moonshine after hard work in the mountains, fields and forests. It was burnt mainly from grain, fruit, berries and medicinal mountain herbs were added to it.


It is one of the most beautiful regions in Slovakia. Geographically, it extends from the Polish border, through the peaks of the European mountains, the High Tatras, to the Rožňava basin in the south of Slovakia. It is located in one of the cleanest climatic regions and is characterised by its unique nature, numerous cultural monuments and preservation of folk traditions. Fresh air, beautiful nature, vast mountains, meadows, forests and crystal clear spring water from the heart of the Tatras are an essential part of this region. Another part of the Spiš region is the long tradition of alcohol production. Its beginnings date back to 13. century.

The people living here were constantly connected with the Spiš nature and the Tatra mountains. In addition to the many ethnic groups that moved here, from Germans, Hungarians, Poles, Ukrainians, Jews and others, there were also people called the Gorals who lived in the area. They excelled in physical strength, stamina and endurance. Because of the harsh natural and climatic conditions in this region, they made their lives more pleasant with good moonshine after hard work in the mountains, fields and forests. It was burnt mainly from grain, fruit, berries and medicinal mountain herbs were added to it.


Stará Ľubovňa is one of the royal towns of the Spiš region. The first indirect mention of this picturesque town dates back to 1235. However, its origins are undoubtedly older. Stará Ľubovňa is situated on the border between Poland and Slovakia. For centuries, influences from both states have been exerting their influence on the city. Until 1234, even Stará Ľubovňa was religiously subject to the Kingdom of Cracow. Due to this fact, it has preserved the culture and traditions from both states. One of them was the production of alcohol. It is known from Polish history that alcohol has been burnt here since the 13th century. century, which was undoubtedly reflected in our country as well.

An important year for Stara Ľubovňa was the year 1364, when it received the status of a royal town, town privileges and the associated right of tapping. This privilege was granted to the town by the then King Ludovít I.

Above the town stands a majestic castle, which was built around 1307. The construction of the castle marked a significant change in the then status of Ľubovňa. It became a part of the Ľubovnian castle estate and began to develop as a sub-castle residence, which undeniably strengthened its importance in the region. The most significant event in the history of the castle took place in 1412, when Ľubovniansky castle became the meeting place of two important rulers - King Vladislav Jagell of Poland and King Sigismund of Hungary. They negotiated for days and nights to sign a peace treaty, and finally succeeded. After the signing of this agreement, the King of Hungary dared to ask Vladislav Jagell for a loan of 37,000 crowns. The king, after fulfilling the conditions, granted him and so on 8. 11. 1412 King Sigismund of Luxemburg issued a charter under which Ľubovnian and Podolín castles with villages and property, including a distillery, as well as 13 other Spiš towns, including Stará Ľubovňa, were pledged to the King of Poland. The period of the advance lasted more than 350 years. Ľubovnian castle became the seat of the mayors who administered the backed up part of Spiš. The signing of the peace treaty could not have been done without spectacular feasts, entertainments, knightly games and hunting in the surrounding forests. According to the chroniclers' records, 16 000 eggs, 28 slaughtered oxen, 382 sheep, 6 312 hens, 814 acres (1 acre = 56.6 litres) of alcohol were allegedly consumed during these festivities... the kitchens and bakeries were constantly busy with 116 bakers and cooks.

There was also a castle distillery near the castle. After the end of the advance, the property was inventoried at the castle. For many years, the castle included the aforementioned old-time distillery. It was during this writing in 1773 that it was drawn in detail on a map that has been preserved to this day. The map shows its location as well as the roads leading to it. The distillery had its own raw material processing plant, grain (wheat) purification plant and fruit washing plant, which testifies to its maturity and the quality of the produced beverages.There is no doubt that the town thrived on the production of moonshine. This is evidenced by the number of distilleries and distilleries that were located there.

Nowadays, the dominant company is GAS Familia, s.r.o., which decided to build on this tradition of alcohol production in Stará Ľubovňa and the Spiš region.

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